I Was Nominated for the Liebster Award! What is it?


I’ve been nominated for the Liebster Award!

I’ll admit, I had to do some Google-ing to see what this was all about. After my research, I’m still happy to receive an award. Gotta start somewhere, right?

What is the Liebster?

Well, simply put, it is an award passed around the blogging community from blogger to blogger to recognize newbie bloggers. Since Because I’m Cheap is still in it’s infancy, I was nominated. They also prefer blogs with few followers. My 5th grade self is raising her hand in desperation to be picked, “Me! Me! Me!”


Bloggers nominate other bloggers in an effort to both encourage and help others discover new blogs.

How does it work?

A blogger decides who they’d like to nominate for the award and then gives the nominee/s a series of questions. The nominee/s answers the questions and then sends them to the blogger who nominated them. In turn, they post the answered questions in a post on their blog and the nominee/s can spread the love and nominate their own choices. It’s a cycle of blog loving that can keep going!

Are you a newbie blogger?

Since I’ve been nominated for the award by Marcin over at All In One Place Blog, I would like to spread the blog loving. I’ve posted a link up at the bottom of this post. If you’d like to be nominated by me for the Liebster Award, just add your blog or your favorite post to the linky. I’ll look over your lovely blogs and then contact you if I decide to nominate you. It’s easy!


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