Save On Insurance – Even A Novice Can Do It!

Insurance. It’s one of those things you kind of need. Ya know, in case of emergencies like fire, theft, damages etc. It’s good to have that safety net in place.

One problem is that often your choice of insurance is because your parents had it or you’ve had it since you first started driving. You’ve gotten used to the monthly rates, maybe not even giving the cost a second thought. But there is savings to be had. And when there’s money to be saved, you know I’ve got a few tricks to share!

Simple Tips To Save On Insurance

There are a few easy ways to save on insurance. Read on to get the deets!

Shop Around

The biggest way to save on insurance is to shop around. Compare rates and coverage options from a wide variety of agencies. It’s free to inquire and many places even allow you to get estimates online, with no obligation. Make sure to read all the fine print and details. Saving a chunk of change isn’t worth skimpy coverage. Make sure you’ll be covered in the event of an emergency and not left up a creek without a paddle.

Ask For It

Many insurance agencies have this handy dandy thing called a “customer service department.” Give em a call and ask if there are any discounts available that may apply to your current situation. Look for things like multi-vehicle, on time payment, good driver and student discounts. Like my momma always says: “You never know until you ask.”

Is Your Vehicle Old?

If you car is is old, you might want to lower your coverage. Do some simple math. Multiply your current premium by 10, if you car is worth less than that you should consider adjusting your coverage.

Bundle To Save

If your insurance agency also offers homeowners or renters insurance, you may save by bundling and keeping all your insurance accounts in the same place.

Combine these tips to get your insurance lower and keep it that way. A penny saved is a penny earned, am I right or am I right?!

Simple Tips To Save On Insurance
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  • Susannah
    April 17, 2016 at 1:13 am

    Ooo… Thanks for these tips! It’s always nice to find a way to save money!